Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 努力造善趣向佛果 / 217

如果心续就是出生佛果的地方,我永远不会失去我的心续,那为什么要忧悲苦恼? 只要在每一次会堕落的境界上,努力去造善业往上走,最终一定会超越恶业的追讨,乃至成就圆满的佛果。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Strive To Act Virtuously And Turn Towards Buddhahood / 217

If my mindstream is where the fruition of Buddhahood is produced, and I will never lose my mindstream, then why must I be in sorrow or misery? So long I strive to create virtuous karma and step upwards at every situation that will cause me to degenerate, I will definitely surpass the dun from non-virtuous karma eventually, and even accomplish the perfect Buddhahood.

Autumn 破烦恼