🌻 不要失去行善的力 / 110
无论在家里或者在什么地方遇到问题,千万不要失去行善的力量! 用报复心对别人,最终会损失了自己的福报,自己伤害自己。 没有人可以真正伤害你,只有自己放弃了行善的动力,放弃善待这个人的想法,地狱之门才会为自己敞开。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Do Not Lose The Strength Of Performing Virtuous Deeds / 110
Whether we bump into problems at home or somewhere else, we should never lose the strength of performing virtuous deeds. If we take revenge against another person, we will damage and lose our own merits and hurt ourselves eventually. As a matter of fact, no one can truly bring harm to us. Only when we have given up on performing virtuous deeds and forgone the kind thoughts of treating other people well, the door of hell will be opened to us.
Summer 无碍行