Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 缔造神话的信念 / 230

我的生命有一个缔造神话的信念,非常希望跟诸位分享,就是:我不向厄运屈服! 我觉得现在的生命状态是不圆满的,我就要改变它。 不到无死国,精进永无止。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Faith To Create Myths / 230

My life has a myth-making faith, and I very much hope to share it with all of you, that is: I will not succumb to bad luck! I feel that the current state of life is incomplete, and I will have to change it. Without arriving at the kingdom of no death, there is no end to joyous perseverance.

Autumn 破烦恼