🌻 沾脏了更该洗净 / 128
我们犯了错,通常会在那里恐惧啊,忧恼啊。 其实这除了更深地折磨自己,丝毫帮助也没有。 如果沾染了罪恶,更应急速地跳进清净的水池,洗涤自己,因为罪业是可以忏悔净化的。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Must Clean Up Even More When Tainted With Dirt / 128
When we have made a mistake, usually we will be in fear and feeling distressed. Other than torturing ourselves further, this in fact, does not provide any assistance at all. If we are tainted with sin, we should quickly jump into a pure and clean pool of water to wash up ourselves. That's because we can repent and purify our negative karma.
Summer 无碍行