⛄️ 编织善的共业网 / 309
平常最好能多心存善念,口说善言,多表达内心的感恩,把这个共业网,像织布一样织得非常地绚烂,不要让它褴褛不堪, 乃至到最后被恶业反扑而撕毁,因为自己的苦乐和他人是息息相关的。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Weave A Virtuous Net Of Collective Karma / 309
It is best if you can have more virtuous thoughts in your mind during normal times, speak with virtuous words, express feelings of gratitude more often. Weave this net of collective karma like an extremely dazzling woven cloth, do not let it be ragged utterly, and finally even caused it to be completely torn and destroyed by the counterattack of non-virtuous karma, because our suffering and happiness are closely correlated to others.
Winter 乐丰收