Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 如是因如是果 / 145

我们必须清醒地知道,死后能带往他世的是业,而业就是我面对别人造作身语意行为所累积的,这些到最后都会回到自己头上。 就像对着大风举起火把,一定会烧到自己;如果对着风散花,回到自己身上的也是鲜花。

夏 无碍行

🌻 The Cause that Resulted in the Effect / 145

We must understand consciously what we bring forward to the next life after death is our karma. And karma is accumulated by the actions of our body, speech and mind towards others. All of these behaviours will come back to us in the end. Just like raising a fire torch against the strong wind, we will surely burn ourselves; if we scatter the flowers in the wind, these fresh flowers will also be showered back upon us.

Summer 无碍行