Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 佛如明灯善指引 / 14

佛陀,善知识的功德,就是他们完全了知怎样去除痛苦的方法,又有爱他胜自的慈悲。 他们就像指路明灯一样,能赐予我们离苦得乐的最佳引导,清晰照亮脚下的每一步。

春 善念种

🌸 Buddha is like a bright lamp that skillfully guides you / 14

The good quality of Buddha and Excellent Teachers is that they fully know the means to eliminate suffering and have compassion that loves others more than themselves. They are like guiding beacons that give us the best guidance of eliminating suffering and attaining happiness, clearly illuminating every step under our feet.

Spring 善念种