⛄️ 如覆大地的防护力 / 328
《入行论》说:「片革垫靴底,即同覆大地。」对境如何防护自心? 就像你的脚穿了鞋,等于覆盖了整个大地,没有东西可以刺到你的脚,那就是正念正知的力量。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Power of Protection And Prevention Equivalent to Covering The Whole Earth / 328
Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds says: Simply wrap some leather round your feet and it's as if the whole earth has been covered! How do we protect and prevent our heart when we face a situation? Just like wearing the shoes on our feet, it's equivalent to covering the whole earth. Nothing will prick our feet. Such is the power of right mindfulness and right view.
Winter 乐丰收