Hope Embark: Seasons

⛄️ 菩提心的大威神力 / 295

了解了菩提心的功德,看到诸佛菩萨的威神之力,就会生起非常羡慕欢喜的心,也想做一个伟大的菩萨。 因为所有的有情都想要最美好的东西,菩提心既然如此美好,如此超胜,如此具有大威神力,为什么我们不要呢?

冬 乐丰收

⛄️ The Mighty Power Of Spirit Of Enlightenment / 295

Knowing the merits of spirit of enlightenment, seeing the mighty power of buddhas and bodhisattvas, we will produce an extremely envious and joyful mind, and want to be a great bodhisattva. Because all sentient beings want the most beautiful things, since spirit of enlightenment is so beautiful, so superior, and possess such mighty power, why don't we want it?

Winter 乐丰收