🌻 最踏实的起步 / 97
佛法是非常深邃的智慧,但是起步却非常踏实,脚踩下去是落地有声的 – 就从生活上开始改变自己。 怎么改变? 造善业。 怎么造善业? 从旁边的人开始,给他一个微笑,对他表达感谢。
夏 无碍行
🌻 The Most Practical Start / 97
Buddha's teaching is a very profound wisdom, but it has a very practical start, and when you take a step, you will hear a sound – you start to change yourself in daily life. How to change? Create virtuous karma. How to create virtuous karma? Start with the person next to you, give him a smile and express gratitude to him.
Summer 无碍行