Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 净罪集资的真义 / 183

佛陀告诉我们断恶修善的法,要照着去做! 透过不断地学习,实践的过程,将以前错误的认知跟习惯逐渐地改过来,这个部分叫「净罪」;从现在开始慢慢地了解如何行善,养成行善的习气,叫作「集资」。 如果我们现在就在净罪集资的路上,即是正在离苦得乐的行进中! 应该由衷地为自己感到高兴,想一想,佛陀应该也会为此感到很欢喜吧!

夏 无碍行

🌻 True Meaning Of Clearing Obscuration And Accumulating Merits / 183

We must perform according to the method the Buddha had told us to eradicate non-virtuous acts and practice virtuous acts. Through unceasing learning and putting into practice, we will gradually correct our previous mistaken perspectives and habits. This portion is known as "clearing obscuration". As we slowly begin to understand how to practice virtuous acts from now onwards and cultivating it into a habit, this is known as "accumulating merits". If we are now on the path to clear obscuration and accumulate merits, then we are currently advancing towards abandoning suffering and achieving happiness! We should feel happy for ourselves from the bottom of our hearts and as we think about it, Buddha should also be delighted with this!

Summer 无碍行