⛄️ 走出一条康庄大道 / 362
要好好珍惜过去生辛辛苦苦得来的善果,要让它越变越大,越变越大,创造出自己生生世世都受用不尽的幸福。 这都是由于师长三宝在前面引路,在左右陪伴,我们才能在世间这个充满苦恼的荆棘丛里,走出一条康庄大道。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Pave The Royal Road To Bliss / 362
You have to deeply cherish the virtuous fruition borne from past painstaking efforts, have to make it grow bigger and bigger, progressively bigger, to create an everlasting and inexhaustible bliss that you can enjoy life after life. This is all because our Teachers and the Three Jewels are leading the way in front, accompanying by our sides, so that we can pave a royal road to bliss in this world filled with thistles and thorns of afflictions.
Winter 乐丰收