Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 财富由布施来 / 87

今生的财富从哪里来? 经典上写得非常清楚,是从布施,供养这些善业来的。 当然也有人说:「是我辛苦挣的。」那为什么有人千辛万苦也挣不到钱,有人就能挣到钱呢? 要相信佛所说的 – 财富是从布施来的!!

春 善念种

🌸 Wealth comes from Generosity / 87

Where does our wealth in this life come from? It is clearly stated in the scriptures that it comes from generosity, offerings and virtuous deeds as such. Of course some people may say, "I earned it through my hard work." Then why is it that some people work very hard but couldn’t earn much and yet some others could? Believe in what Buddha said - Wealth comes from generosity!

Spring 善念种