Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 修信能生无穷心力 / 147

对善知识的信心是一件非常奇妙的事情,它产生的力量能让我们穿越数不清的困境,好像心力无穷。 有时遇到困难会觉得:啊! 大概没有什么力了。 但是只要忆念到善知识,就会坚决地想到:因为他走在前面,我必须跟随,没有退路! 力量也就生起了。

夏 无碍行

🌻 Practising Faith Can Develop Inexhaustible Strength / 147

Faith towards our excellent teachers is something wondrous. The power it generates can allow us to overcome countless predicaments, as if there is inexhaustible strength. When met with a difficult situation, sometimes we will feel: “Ah! I probably have not much strength left.” However, when we recall our excellent teachers, we will resolutely think: “Because he has walked ahead, I must follow, there is no turning back!” Then power is thus generated.

Summer 无碍行