⛄️ 走向生命的大自由 / 275
每个人都想得到自由,其实能不被烦恼束缚,才是生命的最大自由! 让内心彻底从无明中醒觉,就像从恶梦中醒来,得到一种完全清晰无谬的认知。 切断烦恼的根本及其习气,心灵才得以摆脱重担,行到彼岸,自由飞翔。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Head Towards Great Freedom In Life / 275
Everyone hopes to achieve freedom. In fact, the greatest freedom is not to be bound by afflictions! Awaken our mind thoroughly from ignorance, just like waking up from a bad dream and obtain a perfectly clear and inerrant cognition. By severing the roots of affliction and its bad habits, then our spirit can get rid of the heavy burden, to arrive at the other shore and be free to soar.
Winter 乐丰收