⛄️ 在菩提心树下乘凉 / 304
教小孩教到心情烦躁时,可否找到一棵菩提心树,轻轻坐下,闭目纳凉? 体会阵阵利他清风拂面,待心头热恼渐渐清凉,你便更有心力,去面对第一千次的挑战,陪伴一颗年幼的心渐渐长大。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Enjoying The Cool Under A Bodhi Tree / 304
When you feel frustrated from teaching a child, can you find a bodhi tree, gently take a seat, close your eyes and enjoy the coolness? Experience the rippling light breeze of benefitting others brushing your face, and wait till the heat from feeling vexed gradually cools off, you will then have more strength, to face the thousandth challenge, to accompany a young heart that is gradually growing up.
Winter 乐丰收