Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 期待挫折后的崛起 / 114

打开自己的心,会让我们没有太多的怖畏,尤其是与人相处的时候,愿意对大家敞开心扉,就更能够用比较积极的态度,看待自己生命中发生的那些不愉快的事情。 甚至慢慢会有一种期待:在每一个不愉快,每一个挫折后面,都有一个崛起在等着我。

夏 无碍行

🌻 Look Forward To The Rise After A Setback / 114

Opening up our hearts will allow us not to have too much fear, especially when we are getting along with others, and we are willing to open our hearts to everyone, so that we can look at the unpleasant things that happened in our lives with a more positive attitude. Slowly, there will even be a kind of expectation: After every unpleasantness and every setback, there is always a rise waiting for me.

Summer 无碍行