⛄️ 累积福报回向菩提 / 298
如果我们能依外在的殊胜境,又依内在的殊胜发心,累积到很大的福报,要将这个福报回向正法久住,众生安乐;回向为了芸芸众生的解脱,我早一天生起菩提道的证德,早一天去证得佛果。 尤其大乘道是以菩提心为根本,这个发心非常非常需要广大的资粮。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Accumulate Merits To Dedicate Towards Enlightenment / 298
If we can rely on the external extraordinary circumstances and also our unique aspiration within us to accumulate huge amount of merits, we must dedicate these merits towards the teaching to stay for a long time and towards all sentient beings to be safe and happy. Moreover, for the sake of liberating every sentient being, dedicate that I will produce the associated attainments and virtues earlier on the path towards enlightenment, and attained Buddhahood in advance. In particular, the root of Mahayana path is based on the spirit of enlightenment and this aspiration requires extremely extensive amount of merits.
Winter 乐丰收