Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 心情不好更要坚守目标 / 224

有的人心情不好会放弃目标,其实心情不好更要坚守目标。 因为就是过去造了恶业,没有好好修行佛法,才会心情不好。 如果在心情不好的时候,再放弃造善业的机会,那接下去可能会更加地心情不好。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Hold On To Our Goals Especially When Our Moods Are Not Good / 224

Some people give up their goals when they are not in a good mood. In fact it is even more important to hold on to our goals when our moods are bad. The reason our mood is not good is a result of non-virtuous acts and the lack of proper practice in our previous lives. If we give up again on performing virtuous deeds when our mood is not good, then our mood can become worse subsequently.

Autumn 破烦恼