Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 妄想才是最危险的敌人 / 226

最危险的敌人,是自己那些狂妄的想像。 一件很小的事,透过非理作意的扭曲,会变得面目狰狞,如同鬼怪,完全不符合事实的真相,此时如何能做出正确的判断?

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Delusion Is The Most Dangerous Enemy / 226

The most dangerous enemy is our wildest imagination. A very small matter, distorted by incorrect thoughts, can be transformed into a sinister appearance like a monster which is totally mismatched with the truth of that matter. How can we make a correct judgement at this point?

Autumn 破烦恼