🌸 布施爱语暖人心 / 76
语言有表情吗? 我讲了,你听了,会笑,会温暖,会行善,会被鼓励的,那是爱语的力量吗? 化愁苦为欢颜,化沮丧为振奋,化麻木为感动,是爱语的力量吗? 当我用微笑,柔和的眼神,对你表达我真挚的感恩,你的心会为此而充满暖意吗? 愿我的爱语如花,在你的心中绽放,香飘人间。
春 善念种
🌸 Giving Pleasant Speech Warms The Heart / 76
Does speech have expression? I spoke, you heard, you might smile, your might feel the warmth, you might perform virtuous acts and you might be encouraged. Wasn't that the power of pleasant speech? Transforming from sorrowful to smiling expression, diverting from dispiritedness to excitement, ability to be touched instead of being numb. Were these not derived from the power of pleasant speech? When I smile at you with gentleness in my eyes to express my genuine and sincere gratitude, will your heart be warmed by these? May my pleasant speech be like flowers, blooming in your hearts, and scattering this world with the fragrance.
Spring 善念种