🌻 拜佛改变命 / 130
专一至诚,以全部的身语意,礼佛! 口中缘念佛名,意中想佛,身体礼佛,当下心境开朗真纯,杂念全无。 透过拜佛,可能会实现心中的梦。 坚持拜下去,有一天,似乎就发现了一个全新的我,也发现了一个全新的世界。 因为身心,气质都改变了,所以此生后面的命运也都改变了。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Prostrations To Buddha Changes Our Destiny / 130
Pay homage with absolute focus and sincerity using all our body, speech and mind. While we recite Buddha's name, we also visualise Buddha in our mind and bow with our body. At this moment, our hearts will be brightened with purity without any trace of distracting thoughts. Through prostrations to Buddha, we can realise our dreams. With persistence in the prostrations, one day we will somewhat discover a new “me” as well as a new world. This is because our body and mind have changed, our personality and temperament have changed, therefore our destinies ahead have also been transformed.
Summer 无碍行