Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 苦不会因怕就不见 / 240

我们的生命能不能真正离苦得乐? 百分之百可以! 因为造什么业就感什么果。 如果遇到事情就只想到困难或抱怨,就会陷入负面情绪的泥沼中,完全不能动弹,也会越来越没有胆量,越来越萎缩。 可是苦不会因为我们怕就不见了,必须提起所有心力超越它去造作善业!

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Fear Will Not Cause Suffering To Disappear / 240

Can we really abandon suffering and achieve happiness in our lives? 100% possible! Because we reap what we sow. If we only think of difficulties or complains when we face a situation, then we will slip into a mire filled with negative emotions immobilising our entire body. Then we will start losing our courage gradually and begin shrinking progressively. However, suffering will not disappear from our fear. We must lift up all our mental strength to overcome and exceed the fear in order to perform virtuous acts!

Autumn 破烦恼