Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 宽广如大海的心胸 / 58

一旦把自己对他人的责任感,扩展到越来越大,越来越大时,就会感觉到自己的心胸像大海,如天空那样宽广。 那将是生命一种什么样的壮阔感,我们此生愿,不愿意去领略它呢?

春 善念种

🌸 A Broad And Wide Mind Like the Great Ocean / 58

Once our sense of responsibility towards others increases and expands to become greater and greater, we will feel that our mind has become broader and wider resembling the great ocean, like the sky. What kind of a magnificence feeling will this be in life, are we willing or unwilling to experience it in this life?

Spring 善念种