Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 细细品每个人的心 / 40

有些人心中的美好,需要细细地品很久才能品出来,因为可能他不会或不愿表达自己,可能他显现出来的都只是他的弱点。 如何真正地认识一个人,其实不是一件容易的事情,有时要花很长的时间,才能品味到他人心中的精美。

春 善念种

🌸 Savour Everyone’s Heart / 40

The beauty in some people’s hearts needs to be savoured mindfully for a long time before it can be appreciated. This is because he may not know how or unwilling to express himself. Perhaps, all that he reveals is only his weakness. To really get to know a person is actually not an easy task. Sometimes, it takes a long time before the exquisiteness of others can be savoured.

Spring 善念种