Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 战胜自己的喜悦 / 46

你很喜欢的一个小东西,当有一天决心把它供养出去的时候,获得的欢喜心是什么呢? 就是战胜了自己。 当一想到这件事就会觉得:哇! 今天做了一件非常棒的事情,我战胜了自己一次!

春 善念种

🌸 Joy Of Conquering Yourself / 46

The day when you made up your mind to make an offering of a little thing that you like very much, what kind of joy would you derive from it? The victory of conquering yourself! Every single time when you think of this matter, you will feel that you have achieved a remarkable accomplishment to have conquered yourself once!

Spring 善念种