⛄️ 为利众生愿成佛 / 360
看到一个小生命,即使他不认识我们,也想要让他离开痛苦得到欢乐,把这种心推而广之,愿所有的生命都离开所有的痛苦,愿所有的生命都得到至极的快乐。 那怎样才能有力量荷担所有众生离苦得乐这件事? 一定要成佛!
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Aspire To Achieve Buddhahood To Benefit All Sentient Beings / 360
Having seen a small living being, even if he does not know us, we will also want to help him to be liberated from suffering and achieve happiness. By growing and expanding this aspiration, we hope that all living beings can all be liberated from all sufferings and hope that all living beings can all achieve extreme happiness. How do we then have the strength to shoulder the responsibilities of liberating all sentient beings from suffering and achieve happiness? We must achieve Buddhahood!
Winter 乐丰收